Amobee Reveals The San Diego Comic-Con Movies With the Most Online Buzz

Marketing technology firm Amobee counts the movies getting the most buzz during and after San Diego Comic-Con 2018.

Aquaman’s the king of more than just the Seven Seas

With so much movie-related conversation coming out of San Diego Comic-Con it can be hard to tell which ones were really the most popular, both inside and outside the convention.

Now marketing technology company Amobee has released its own findings of the films that generated the most digital content engagement during Comic-Con:

  1. Aquaman
  2. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
  3. Wonder Woman 1984
  4. Shazam
  5. Venom
  6. Godzilla: King of the Monsters
  7. Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald
  8. The Predator
  9. Glass
  10. Halloween

What, then, can we divine from this list?

DC Brings the Fun and Scores

It’s good news for Warner Bros. as Aquaman is the next film in what has to date been referred to as the DC Extended Universe, the first to hit theaters following the commercially- and critically-disappointing Justice League. The studios used SDCC to not only bring out Jason Momoa and others from the cast to but debut the long-awaited first trailer, showing the character’s breakout role in Justice League wasn’t a fluke.

Also screening at San Diego was the first trailer for Shazam! starring Zachary Levi as the World’s Mightiest Mortal, a boy imbued with magical powers by an ancient wizard. That trailer shows that instead of trying reimagine the character (who first went by Captain Marvel, a name that’s been abandoned by DC Comics in the last decade) in some grounded, gritty way the studio basically made Big but with super strength.

Wonder Woman 1984, the sequel to 2017’s smash hit with Gal Gadot and Chris Pine, didn’t have a trailer ready to show attendees but the cast, along with director Patty Jenkins, did bring a bit of footage to share. Ever since first look photos were shared recently by the cast confirming the time period, fans have wondered how Pine’s character Steve Trevor is still alive and why the filmmakers chose that time period. Some, but not all, those issues were addressed, leading to decent online chatter.

As Amobee’s Nick Lashinsky said, with Marvel on the sidelines, “the spotlight on DC Films was amplified.”

Warner Bros. Did Not Throw Away Its Shot

In addition to the three movies above, both Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald and Godzilla: King of the Monsters are Warner Bros. productions. That gives the studio five of the 10 slots on Amobee’s list, a domination it was able to achieve in part because Disney did not do any Hall H panels for any of its upcoming releases, including future Star Wars or Marvel movies.

There are reasons for that, including how far out Star Wars: Episode IX still is (December, 2019) and that the studio still hasn’t revealed the name of Avengers 4, which follows this year’s traumatizing Infinity War.

That gave WB an opportunity it seized to help its movies dominate the the headspace of fans both in San Diego and elsewhere. It released new trailers for both Fantastic Beasts 2 and Godzilla 2. For the latter it also kicked off an ARG campaign centered around Monarch Sciences, an organization that studies the “titans” that now roam the planet in the movie’s universe.

Not All Buzz is Positive

Because Marvel Studios was not officially promoting new or upcoming movies at SDCC, the appearance of Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 3 isn’t a good sign. Buzz around that movie centered on the sudden firing of director James Gunn after right-wing activists brought up decade-old Tweets, which Gunn has addressed and apologized for previously, before he was even hired for the first Guardians movie. That resulted in Gunn canceling a planned appearance at Sony’s panel, where he was expected to announce a new project.

While it’s not addressed specifically by Amobee, it’s reasonable to assume not all the chatter for Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald was positive either. While people loved how co-star Ezra Miller came out in full Toadette (from Super Mario) cosplay, the reaction was less enthusiastic when Johnny Depp appeared on stage. The actor didn’t participate in the cast Q&A session, instead simply delivering a brief monologue in character and then exiting the stage. Depp’s casting in the movie has been called into question by many given allegations of spousal abuse against ex-wife Amber Heard, who was on the same stage less than an hour later as part of the Aquaman presentation.

Blumhouse’s Big Moment

After Warner Bros. the studio with the second most films on the list is Blumhouse Productions, which emerged in the last few years with a series of low-budget horror releases that have energized genre fans. This year, the first one it’s made a big splash at Comic-Con, it was able to bring Jamie Lee Curtis and others out to promote Halloween, the sequel to the classic franchise and show attendees the first footage from the movie.

It also debuted the first trailer for Glass, the new movie from writer/director M. Night Shyamalan that’s both a sequel to 2016’s Split and 2000’s Unbreakable, which both apparently exist in the same universe. That was a big beat that got a lot of people’s attention.

Marvel Gets Help From Other Studios

It’s not that Marvel film properties weren’t at Comic-Con, it’s just that the promotions weren’t nearly as big as they usually are.

The one Marvel-related film on Amobee’s list is Venom, starring Tom Hardy. The movie was part of Sony’s panel since that studio controls the character, which is part of the Spider-Man IP it manages. The film, as was made clear at the panel, is *not* connected to the same cinematic universe as last year’s Spider-Man: Homecoming, which made the hero also part of the MCU owned by Disney. There wasn’t a new trailer to show off but fans were able to see some new footage and Sony bought promoted posts on Twitter in conjunction with the convention.

Meanwhile, Fox ran a Deadpool 2 panel to promote that movie’s home video release and engaged in stunts like branded toilet paper and an animatronic band. Those efforts helped lift buzz for the movie by 62% when compared to the period just before Comic-Con.

The biggest presence for Marvel Studios was a therapy booth outside the convention center where fans could share their grief and trauma following the events of Infinity War and then, on the way out, have their “#GroupHug” picture taken in a pair of giant Hulk hands.

All of that, according to Amobee, resulted in 58% of all Comic-Con-related digital content being about Marvel, exactly the same percentage it had in 2017 when the studio was promoting Captain Marvel, Ant-Man and The Wasp, Avengers: Infinity War, Black Panther. and Thor: Ragnarok.

If Experiences Go Virtual, San Diego Comic-Con Promotion Could Become Even More Iffy

Virtual reality offers a chance to bring promotional experiences to more people at a fraction of the cost.

Over at The Hollywood Reporter I wrote about how and why some major movie studios were sitting out this year’s iteration of San Diego Comic-Con, currently underway.

As I said there, it’s not as if the event is completely devoid of major movie marketing efforts, nor is there a severe lack of TV shows being pitched to the entertainment-loving audience in attendance. There are some market forces, though, that are making studios and producers reevaluate the massive spending outlay involved in making an impression at SDCC as well as some scheduling oddities that mean a few major franchises are just not in a place to use the event as part of their publicity cycle.

There’s a long history of entertainment brands creating events and experiences for fans to take part in and enjoy, hopefully sharing their excitement both online and off and creating word-of-mouth for upcoming movies and TV shows. This isn’t unique to SDCC as it’s a tactic that’s been utilized at SXSW and other festivals and conventions. The idea is to immerse attendees in the brand to the extent it occupies a significant amount of their awareness.

Here’s a list of the experiences and activations available. Notably, with just a few exceptions they are almost all outside the San Diego Convention Center as it’s too small and crowded to accommodate them. That means the studios and producers are increasing the level of commitment necessary to find them, before even getting into line.

  • Alita: Battle Angel, with a scavenger hunt that leads those successful in gathering all the clues to an off-site event with cast and crew from the movie.
  • Solo: A Star Wars Story, with a lifesize replica of the Millennium Falcon’s cockpit people can sit in and take pictures of. This one is actually part of the Star Wars booth on the show floor.
  • “The Good Place,” with a whole recreation of the neighborhood from the show.
  • Ready Player One, with a “World of…” VR experience that takes people inside the OASIS as well as 80s trivia contests and props from the movie.
  • “Jack Ryan,” with a “training experience” that allows attendees to see what it’s like to become an elite intelligence agent
  • “The Purge,” with a “Purge City” shop containing everything you need to survive Purge Night as well as information on the political movement that gave rise to The Purge.
  • “Castle Rock,” with a recreation of a street from the titular town including storefronts and clues as to the story and characters encountered in the show
  • “DC Universe,” with a variety of experiences, props and more to promote the original shows like “Harley Quinn,” “Swamp Thing” and others coming to the new OTT service

Cool. Now explain to me how most all of this couldn’t be recreated in virtual reality in a way that would likely be more cost-efficient and reach more people directly than dragging sets, props and legal waivers to San Diego.

I don’t mean to discount the visceral experience or how tactile connections create stronger attachments. There will always be a place for the physical. But a lot of these – especially ones like the “Harley Quinn” room, the “Jack Ryan” training experience and a few others – seem like they would be relatively easy to port over to VR executions as that technology improves. Either it can be something available via personal headsets like Oculus or spread out to theaters and other hubs as was done for movies like Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and Justice League.

Also worth noting is that some of these are either the same, or variations on, experiences that were brought to other events earlier. The World of Ready Player One showed up at SXSW a few months ago, as did an immersive experience for Alita: Battle Angel. That and other smaller or more niche events may have better return on investment because the crowds aren’t as big, the space isn’t as crowded and the opportunities to make an impression are greater.

It would be irresponsible of entertainment marketers to not be evaluating how these kinds of executions can be streamlined and broadened. If media companies are indeed reevaluating the ROI of SDCC – and history is littered with properties that went all-in there or elsewhere only to flop in theaters and on TV – this most certainly needs to be part of that thinking.

Chris Thilk is a freelance writer and content strategist who lives in the Chicago suburbs.

Who’s Not at SDCC

Some Big Upcoming Movies Aren’t At San Diego Comic-Con This Year

Those attending San Diego Comic-Con this year will not lack for promotional and publicity stunts for some major movies hitting theaters in the near future. Bumblebee, Fantastic Beasts 2, Glass and plenty of others will have some combination of Hall H panels, events outside the convention center and other activities to try and make an impression on the hundreds of thousands of people in attendance, all of whom try to cross the light rail tracks at the same time throughout the day.

While the lineup will still be substantial there are going to be some heavy-hitters notable for their absence. There’s always the possibility a studio or two will pull a surprise appearance out of their bag of tricks, but at this point a last-minute announcement might raise more questions than it answers. Here are some of the big-name franchises and movies that aren’t going to be braving what’s expected to be blazing hot temperatures in San Diego this year.

No More Mutants

Fox has a few promotions planned to promote the home video release of Deadpool 2, including a star-studded panel and later screening of the “Super Duper $@%!#& Cut” that’s hitting DVD and Blu-ray in the near future.

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Missing, though, are the next two movies in the studio’s X-Men franchise, New Mutants and X-Men: Dark Phoenix. The former was originally scheduled for release this past April before it was moved to February 2019 and then all the way to August of next year. That shift has reportedly been to allow for reshoots to play up the horror elements of the story, which is the tone struck in the first trailer released back in October 2017.

Dark Phoenix was also pushed back, though not as significantly, from November of this year to February of 2019 to accommodate reshoots. Still, the bump means the movie is seven months out from Comic-Con and not four, so a formal launch of the marketing might be a bit premature. There’s a slight chance director Simon Kinberg could show off a sizzle reel or something else, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Mr. Marvel, I Don’t Feel So Well

Marvel Studios not having a big presence at SDCC is…well…big. They’ve used Comic-Con to create hype for almost all its previous movies at some level or another over the last 10+ years, including debuting the full cast of the first Avengers movie to the Hall H crowd in 2010 and more. There’s sure to be some representation – props and such – at the Marvel Comics booth on the show floor, but that will likely be it.

Infinity War Trailer 2 Header

That’s in large part because Marvel isn’t ready to unveil more details around what happens to the MCU post-Infinity War just yet. They’re sure to face a group of fans who want answers about what happens to their favorite characters after Thanos snapped his fingers and know how next year’s Captain Marvel will play into things. Plus, they haven’t announced the title for Avengers 4 yet, so they don’t really have all the much to show. This is a case where more damage can be done by someone’s offhand remark than by maintaining silence so better to skip the event completely.

It’s Not Wise to Upset A Wookie

Along those same lines – and also related to corporate owner Disney – the Star Wars franchise is largely taking a break from San Diego this year, at least in terms of promoting new material.

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Solo: A Star Wars Story sat out SDCC 2017 because the publicity and marketing cycle for that movie hadn’t started yet. Lucasfilm was still in the midst of promotion The Last Jedi, and the Solo campaign wouldn’t start until February of this year, just three months before it hit theaters so it wouldn’t interfere or overlap with that of TLJ.

This year the studio 1) Doesn’t want to hear it from disgruntled fans who were upset either by Solo or The Last Jedi and 2) Isn’t quite ready to start the promotions for Episode IX, which doesn’t come out until December 2019.

It’s not sitting out the convention completely, though. It’s bringing a life-size replica of the Millennium Falcon cockpit from Solo to its booth on the show floor and hosting panel celebrating the 10th anniversary of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the TV series that quickly went on to become a fan-favorite.

Again, there are sure to be at least a few surprises that happen. That’s always the case with San Diego Comic-Con. But at the moment it looks like some of the entertainment world’s biggest names and franchises will be following along on Twitter just like the rest of us.

Chris Thilk is a freelance writer and content strategist who lives in the Chicago suburbs.

All the Comic-Con Movie Trailers You Might Have Missed

2017’s edition of San Diego Comic-Con is now in the books. As with many such years, there was a plethora of movie news that came from many of the major Hollywood studios as they seek to hype their upcoming releases. Some of those are just months away from hitting theaters and these promotions are about creating near-term action. Others are a year or more away and the news and other material coming out of SDCC is about getting fans hyped for a movie well in the offing.

If you weren’t able to stay tuned in to all the events coming out of San Diego, here’s a recap of the new trailers that debuted there as well as other announcements related to some highly-anticipated releases.

Justice League

Just as I suspected, the new trailer (technically a “Comic-Con Sneak Peak”) for Justice League opens with Wonder Woman kicking some terrorist butt. We get some setup that the world is missing its heroes, which is bad news since a major threat has just arrived. In addition to lots of action there’s a reference to there being “No Lanterns” here to protect Earth. Superman’s boorish behavior in his last two movies is retconned to be a more uplifting presence to the world and it ends with a pretty big hint that he’s coming back. The whole cast (minus Henry Cavill) also appeared at the DC booth to sign a new poster that very much looks like, but doesn’t seem to actually be, Alex Ross artwork. WB also showed off some Aquaman footage, formally announced Wonder Woman 2, said the troubled Flash solo movie would be called “Flashpoint” and lots more.

Ready Player One

This first look trailer gives you a decent idea of what’s going on in the movie, concerned mostly with establishing the setting more than the plot. There are lots of cool shots and some narration about The OASIS and what it represents. Once you’re in the VR world it leans heavily on nostalgia with shots showing The Iron Giant, the DeLorean from Back to the Future and more. It’s also incredibly heavy on hyperbole, calling Ernest Cline’s source novel “The Holy Grail of pop culture” and director Steven Spielberg a “Cinematic game changer.”

The LEGO Ninjago Movie

It’s a pretty short trailer that accompanied a panel featuring most of the cast and crew, but it’s still pretty funny. Not a whole lot new is shown, just a bit more of the daddy issues Lloyd will have to face as he tries to stop his evil warlord father.

Thor: Ragnorak

Marvel Studios is apparently going all-in on selling this as a buddy comedy featuring Thor and Hulk as the vast majority of the action here centers around the two of them. The trailer that was revealed at Marvel’s panel features lots of one-liners along with the idea that Thor is putting together a team of Hulk, Loki and Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson, who wins the trailer hands-down) to stop Hela from destroying Asgard and unleashing Ragnorak. God bless director Taika Waititi.

Avengers: Infinity War, Black Panther, Ant-Man and The Wasp

All of these movies were part of Marvel’s big Hall H presentation. Footage from all three was shown but Marvel has said it won’t be released officially online, serving as an exclusive for fans. The audience apparently got a good look at all three, though, and heard the news that Michelle Pfeiffer would play Janet Van Dyne in the Ant-Man sequel, which is a great choice. There was also the announcement that Captain Marvel, starring Brie Larson, would actually be set in the 90s, with the story involving the shape-shifting Skrulls in some way.

You can view some of the posters and other promotional art released at San Diego Comic-Con in the gallery below.

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The Winners and Losers in the Last 10 Years of Movie Marketing at San Diego Comic-Con (Part 2)

Later this week the entertainment press and countless fans will descend upon the San Diego Convention Center for this year’s installment of San Diego Comic-Con. Yesterday we looked at which movies went on to success or failure after using Comic-Con as a big promotional platform, so today we’re going to finish revisiting the decade by analyzing 2012 through 2016.

2012 – No One Wins, No One Loses

man of steel pic

Hard to pick in either category for this year since most of the notable movies appearing this year went on to decent box-office and various levels of positive critical reception. Wreck-It Ralph was quickly hailed as a modern classic. Man of Steel did well – and started the new DC Cinematic Universe – but wasn’t loved by critics. Looper wasn’t a big success but did keep Rian Johnson making interesting movies. Pacific Rim is loved by many but barely cracked $1m in ticket sales. This is the most mixed bag of the last 10 years.

2013 – The Winner

lego movie

If you have to pick one winner here it seems like it should be The LEGO Movie, which surprised everyone with its emotional story and quirky sense of humor. San Diego was where audiences got their first look at the future animated hit and started a cycle of buzz that resulted in it becoming such a hit the LEGO series is now a franchise of its own.

2013 – The Disappointment

Safe to put Kick-Ass 2 in this bucket. While the 2010 original was fresh and funny with its shocking realistic violence, it couldn’t continue that momentum three years later. Everything that was original in the first movie felt forced and warmed over in the sequel.

2014 – The Winner

mad max fury road

I’ll admit to having been among the skeptical regarding Mad Max: Fury Road. Not because the story was going to be focusing on a woman but because was this franchise still relevant at all. As always, I was wrong and the movie was one of the biggest successes of 2015, both with critics and fans. That was at least in part due to the look given to those in San Diego, a look that won them over with incredible visuals and a unique take on the idea.

2014 – The Disappointment

Similar to other points made above, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For may have seemed like it was perfect for the Comic-Con crowd to go on to champion. That didn’t happen, though, as the clunky story dragged down the comic-inspired visuals despite the attachment of creator Frank Miller.

2015 – The Winner

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Let’s go ahead and disqualify Star Wars: The Force Awakens from consideration, shall we? It was always going to be a massive hit and succeeded in not turning off audiences, so mission accomplished. With that off to the side, let’s award the prize to Suicide Squad, which got everyone’s attention with an incredible sizzle reel/teaser trailer that had everyone talking. While critics hated the movie with a passion, it went on to do over $325m at the U.S. box office, so it clearly qualifies as a hit. All of that buzz started in San Diego.

2015 – The Disappointment

Again, there’s a caveat to the movie appearing here, Warcraft. While San Diego promotion didn’t do anything to help it at theaters – it grossed less than $50m in the U.S. – it’s done massive business overseas. So it worked, just not exactly like Universal may have had in mind.

2016 – The Winner


The winner is Wonder Woman. The winner is always Wonder Woman. The first look at Gal Gadot as the Amazon princess came in 2014 as part of the early promotion for Batman v Superman. It was in 2016, though, that the marketing for her solo movie really kicked into gear. It’s now the highest-grossing movie directed by a woman, the second-highest grossing DCCU movie and is just generally awesome. Another clear indicator that it’s not just adolescent (physically, mentally or both) males that pay attention to SDCC buzz.

2016 – The Disappointment

Prior to San Diego Comic-Con last year, horror fans seemed to be moderately interested in The Woods, a new movie from director Adam Wingard. Just before a scheduled screening of the movie it was revealed it was actually a sequel to The Blair Witch Project. That was meant to make the movie a must-see among not just horror aficionados but also the general public. While its eventual box-office take of $45m is nothing to sneeze at, it’s nowhere near what had to be expected based on the secrecy and big reveal.

The Winners and Losers in the Last 10 Years of Movie Marketing at San Diego Comic-Con (Part 1)

Later this week the entertainment press and countless fans will descend upon the San Diego Convention Center for this year’s installment of San Diego Comic-Con. The convention, which runs four days, is massive, taking up the entirety of the center with other stunts spilling out into the surrounding area.

This is the 48th year of the geek gathering and it’s long been a favorite target for movie studios looking to sell their upcoming movies to an audience with the potential to turn into a rabid fanbase. It’s not just science-fiction and fantasy movies that have been pitched here, though. Spy stories like Salt, comedies like Superbad and others have also been brought here in an attempt to get people talking and hopefully create a few movie ticket buyers.

Still, genre movies are the bread and butter of the event as they line up clearly with the interests of attendees who are more than happy to drop $250 on that ¼ scale resin bust of Peter Venkman from Ghostbusters. So we’re going to look back over the last 10 years at just a small snapshot of the movies that have had a significant presence at SDCC to see how they’ve fared. Here’s 2007 through 2011.

2007 – The Winner

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Today the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the model every studio is trying replicate. The Mummy tried to establish a “shared universe” with its marketing, as did King Arthur and many other movies over the last few years. But in 2007 we were introduced to Robert Downey Jr. in advance of the first Iron Man movie, which went on to box office success and set the stage for the next 10 years (and more) of movies featuring Marvel’s cast of characters.

2007 – The Disappointment

Speed Racer should have been a hit. It was the first movie from the Wachowskis following their massive Matrix trilogy and, as an adaptation of a beloved cartoon, was pretty well positioned to do well with this crowd. While the initial buzz was pretty good, though, it never connected with a mass audience. The movie still has ardent fans and is occasionally rediscovered and given new appreciation, but it’s not a household name.

2008 – The Winner

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Many people like me were skeptical the Twilight franchise could become a box office hit. Surely the success of the books was a fluke, right? Nope. The cast and crew of the first movie stopped by SDCC in 2008, a few months before the movie opened, and went on to become a hit. An important reminder here that it’s not just “fanboys” here, or at any other geek gathering, but a diverse audience that wants lots of stories, not just super-violent superheroes.

2008 – The Disappointment

Does The Watchmen count here if it ultimately made over $100m domestically? How about Keanu Reeves’ overly-heavy and boring The Day The Earth Stood Still remake? Or The Spirit, which confused and turned off audiences with its odd visual style? Honestly, these are just a few of the movies that tried to enlist the San Diego crowd but failed to launch. Rough year.

2009 – The Winner

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Clearly, Avatar is the big boy in this crowd. Director James Cameron came out and showed off the movie’s incredible visuals, which connected on every level with those in attendance. Not just that, but those who got a first look went back home and turned everyone else they knew onto the movie, turning it into one of the biggest box-office success of all time.

2009 – The Disappointment

Disney pulled out all the stops to sell TRON: Legacy, a sequel to the 1982 sci-fi classic, including real-life deployments of Flynn’s Arcade at various events and an appearance at Comic-Con. It’s odd to call this a disappointment because it scored over $170m in ticket sales, but the overall reception to the movie was very mixed. The lack of a follow-up in the last eight years shows it wasn’t enough for someone to keep things going.

2010 – The Winner


The first solo outings for both Captain America or Thor weren’t even out when Marvel went about as big as any studio had gone before or has gone since, bringing out the entire cast of The Avengers, which wouldn’t come out for two more years. Director Joss Whedon appeared on stage as well, as the audience was really introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the first time.

2010 – The Disappointment

Again, which one to pick? Scott Pilgrim Vs The World should have been the biggest movie of the decade based on buzz out of both SDCC and SXSW but didn’t catch on with audiences. Geek God Harrison Ford made his first San Diego appearance to promote Cowboys & Aliens but it wasn’t enough to get people talking about – or watching – that genre mashup. Seth Rogen didn’t make a convincing comic hero in The Green Hornet. And then there’s Green Lantern, which didn’t do badly but has become such a punchline it was used as a throwaway joke in Deadpool.

2011 – The Winner

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The Amazing Spider-Man, with Andrew Garfield rebooting the Spider-Man franchise, is probably the biggest box-office success to come out of SDCC this year. It loses points for being rebooted just four years later, though, and I have to mention Attack the Block, a movie about aliens attacking a block of London flats and being repelled by the residents there. It didn’t light up the box-office but has an impeccable reputation among critics and introduced us to John Boyega, who the rest of the world discovered four years later when he starred in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

2011 – The Disappointment

Colin Farrell took over for Arnold Schwarzenegger in the remake of 1990’s Total Recall. Despite the brand recognition and the big names involved, including director Len Wiseman, the spark failed to ignite. The Adventures of Tin-Tin, which combined the geek muscle of Steven Spielberg, Edgar Wright, and Peter Jackson but which couldn’t sell its animated look to audiences, would also qualify here.


Quick Takes on Trailers for Dunkirk, California Typewriter and More

  • There’s a new trailer for Terminator 2: Judgement Day to promote the movie’s upcoming 3D rerelease in theaters.
  • A new 60-second trailer for Dunkirk amps up the tension through a cool use of sound and cuts in the film. The movie is also getting its own VR experience, which is unusual for a non-superhero/sci-fi flick, and that has a trailer.
  • One more trailer for War For The Planet of the Apes acts as a “previously on…” recap of the previous two movies and the events that have lead to all-out war.
  • The details on which studios are bringing which movies to San Diego Comic-Con to reach that audience have emerged. Some interesting choices here.
  • The first trailer for Icarus, Netflix’s new documentary about Russian Olympic doping, is really powerful. Can you imagine if a system this devoted to cheating set their mind toward, I don’t know, American politics? Yikes.
  • Belle de Jour is turning 50 and getting a big 4K theatrical release, with a new trailer promoting that event that’s amazing. (via IndieWire)
  • I don’t get to watch too many of them but I love documentaries about niche subcultures, so I dug the trailer for California Typewriter about enthusiasts of the technology.
  • Fox Searchlight put out a fun “lyric video” to promote its rap culture movie Patti Cake$.