Picking Up the Spare – Chappaquidick, I Feel Pretty, The Post


This is a good example of a wave of interviews in the last week or so with the movie’s screenwriters where they talk about how they first heard about this story and began developing it into a feature film.


I missed it but on the movie’s official website you can play an online version of the game the movie is based on.

Great piece at The A.V. Club at Hollywood’s favorite part of Chicago to destroy through battles between giant animals, robots or other creatures.

I Feel Pretty

Star Amy Schumer continues to push back against criticisms of the movie’s marketing, pointing out that it’s not just about a woman who can only feel she’s pretty after she’s suffered head trauma. I understand that, but it doesn’t change how that’s *exactly how the film was sold, so the problem is with the marketing, not necessarily people’s reactions to it, as some of the filmmakers seem to believe.

On a more positive note, there’s finally a feature on Busy Phillips, the “Freaks and Geeks” alum who plays one of the friends of Schumer’s character. And Schumer has been named as one of the hosts of the final episodes of this season of “Saturday Night Live.”

Seems the movie was one of the first to use a new ad format offered by Snapchat, one that’s more clearly an ad and not meant to look like anything else on the app.

The Post

Fox has released a really, really odd TV commercial to promote the movie’s home video release that adds a CNN-like news ticker across the bottom. For such a serious movie this skirts the line of almost being tongue-in-cheek. Also, it’s not the best call to create the appearance of something being news when we’re having such a serious conversation about the false or misleading stories, especially when the subject of the story is journalism itself.

Super Troopers 2

The journey the sequel took in the 17 years since the original is shared by the Broken Lizard team in this extensive feature interview.

Chris Thilk is a freelance writer and content strategist who lives in the Chicago suburbs.